Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ok. Here is how it is.

Ever heard of the phrase, " It won't get better if you pick it"? It could be rephrased as, "leave that alone before you get sepsis and you leg falls off". It could also be rephrased as, "stop talking about the things you hate before you reach a critical mass of anger and come to, breathing heavily, surrounded by the dismembered corpses of the people who were unlucky enough to be within reach when you achieved critical mass".

I don't subscribe to that view.

Pick away I say. Take the crowbar of hate and jam it in the happy cogs of your mind. What the hell eh?

Dara O'Briain, who incidently I dont hate as he's a very funny man, went on to a show we have in England called Room 101. My apologies to those who have seen this show I will give a brief synopsis for the shermans.

Basically once you reach a certain level of fame and start doing chat shows you may be lucky enough to be asked to go on Room 101. A chap called Paul Merton hosts. He seems to be hilarious in person but was responsible to perpetrating a really terrible sketch show. Dolphin's heads? I ask you!......

Anyway, you turn up then present Paul (I will call him Paul as Merton sounds disrespectful) with a selection of things that get on your pec's. Anything goes, traffic wardens, airports etc. One brave chap (may have been Gordon Ramsay) even put women drivers in there. Once the items are presented Pauly (getting familiar now eh?) debates the merits of them and decides whether or not they get to go in room 101. Bosh.

The whole point of that rambling (and I feel unneccessary) aside was that Dara (blimey we are chummy with the stars now) said that he started to think of things to put in and found that there was quite a lot of stuff that annoyed the hell out of him.

I fully understand this point of view.

I think many people go through life unaware of how much there is out there that can reduce you to screaming, tear your own eyes out, chew your monitor fury. I say we have to tap into it and let it out for an airing now and again. Otherwise we end up smiling all the time but with a glassy eyed 2000 yard stare or heading up the clocktower with a rifle and a lot of ammunition.

I feel that we know each other well enough now so that I can come to the point without further delay.

This blog is going to be my own little room 101. I will also publish any old rubbish that comes into my head. The beauty of this is no one has to put up with it. my collegues can avoid the morning rant, my friends can breathe a sigh of relief and take their hands away from their ears and you lot can get away with the click of a mouse. You can also walk by clocktowers with the certain knowledge that I am not watching the top of your head through crosshairs. Good deal eh?

I would like to add that it's not my intention to insult or offend anyone and that the contents of the blog will (mostly) be just my opinion (and most likely highly innacurate) and can therefore be dismissed as such. Of course you can always complain to me on my blog. I wont care but it gives me another target!


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