Monday, May 15, 2006

I am not a number

Well. Seems my blog of self therapy has been getting way too serious. It has mutated from my original intention of being a place to air niggles in the hope I could get it all off my chest, to something a bit darker.

Fact is, once I started talking about stuff that annoyed me mildly it made room for me to air the stuff that makes almost incoherent with rage. I guess it's good to get it out but I do need to stand back every once in a while and take stock.

As Max Ehrmann says in Desiderata, "Something fucking profound. Blah blah" (My fave poem). Anyway, point is it's not all bad. Sometimes the arseholes get what's coming to them. Sometimes people act how they should and the world is a cool place. Sometimes we win. It's definitely a good idea to remember this as too much gloom can really get you down.

The result is this blog will go where it goes. If the content upsets me or anyone else that's too bad. Most of the stuff on it will be personal opinion. Anyone else reading it can read into it what they like, I take no responsibility for your thoughts or actions. If you are bright enough to get on the web I hope you are bright enough to be a grown up about stuff you read.

I will try to keep this light hearted but I can promise nothing. I get annoyed or angry about the things that bother me and then I will take a brain dump on this site.

NB Kudos to Blair for signing the petition to back animal testing. Whether he holds a heartfelt opinion on this or has just sniffed the political wind and gone for those votes it is a good thing he does. I do feel that we should look into alternatives to animal testing but Blair signing up adheres to the P1P method of finding the right in a debate. Always stand against the extremists. If the Animal rights guys who don't believe in this terrorism turned the crazies over to the police I'd be right on their side. The way things are going at the moment I am against them. I wish they'd do more of the hidden camera tricks. You know, exposing the mistreatment of animals. Bring me evidence not threats.

Anyway, back to sanity and not letting the rage take control. Unless I feel like it.


Blogger autogato said...

interesting how its purpose can change, eh?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 5:08:00 am  
Blogger Student said...

Surprising. If I keep it going it may turn out something different again!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 8:08:00 am  

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