One handed browsing
Not what you think. Although a mate described another mates on line activities in his best man speech as looking at left handed web sites.
That's not what I am doing, right? Right.
I am learning how tricky it is to do everyday stuff one handed. It's pretty annoying. Everything seems to be difficult. Tying my shoelaces for instance, what a polava! On the bright side I am learning a valuable lesson about taking care when using a knife.
I have something that pisses me off. Itching. Healing itches like Wilkinsons. I really want to dig my nails in and scratch for England.
That's not what I am doing, right? Right.
I am learning how tricky it is to do everyday stuff one handed. It's pretty annoying. Everything seems to be difficult. Tying my shoelaces for instance, what a polava! On the bright side I am learning a valuable lesson about taking care when using a knife.
I have something that pisses me off. Itching. Healing itches like Wilkinsons. I really want to dig my nails in and scratch for England.
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