The calm before the storm?
It seems after 100 posts I have calmed down a bit. I was always yelling "and another thing" before hitting levels of incandescent rage at something some government puke did. Now I don't seem to have as much rage.
Perhaps I have been reading too much about the crap that governments get up to and have become inured. The end result seems to be that I have been neglecting my blog. After all once you are no longer nuts you don't employ a psychiatrist eh?
Damn it! There must be more stuff for me to waffle aimlessly at. I have included one or two posts which didn't go on about how politicians or fundmantalists were a pain in the ass. Maybe I could go that way?
The only problem is that I think that if something isn't bursting forth, if it isn't contained only with effort it may not be worth saying! I don't want to write for the hell of it. I like it when I get to my computer and I can't type fast enough. When I have to keep pausing to shake my fists at the sky and howl with rage. It seems a bit luke warm for me sit and think then type something like, "It really bothers me when people park outside my flats at night with their car radio blaring".
Actually... Motherfuckers. That really pisses me off. I need to stockpile bricks on my balcony so I can bounce them off the roof or bonnet of their car as a hint that I'd like them to turn their music down a smidge. Or I could pop downstairs and write shhhh on their bonnet with a hammer. Bastards.
Aaaaargh and there is this guy up the road who has a car horn like the general lee from the dukes of hazards. Every morning about eight he plays it twice. Presumably to summon the other members of care in the community to the sunshine center. Now I am up at that time but after a couple of years I am rapidly reaching the point of getting up earlier and lying in wait for this guy. I can see the headlines now. Man found dead, stupid music car horn shoved up arse.
Lack of consideration for others really bugs me. People who have to play their shitty music at ear shattering volume. The police can now confiscate their stereos if complaints are made but I don't think that goes far enough. They should also confiscate their index finger so they can't press the on switch. Fair?
Now, as you know I am a pretty liberal guy. People should be allowed to do what they like as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. I guess I should be more relaxed about music during the day. Providing it doesn't actually vibrate stuff off my table. At night though these people should be hunted like vermin.
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. Still a little anger left.
Perhaps I have been reading too much about the crap that governments get up to and have become inured. The end result seems to be that I have been neglecting my blog. After all once you are no longer nuts you don't employ a psychiatrist eh?
Damn it! There must be more stuff for me to waffle aimlessly at. I have included one or two posts which didn't go on about how politicians or fundmantalists were a pain in the ass. Maybe I could go that way?
The only problem is that I think that if something isn't bursting forth, if it isn't contained only with effort it may not be worth saying! I don't want to write for the hell of it. I like it when I get to my computer and I can't type fast enough. When I have to keep pausing to shake my fists at the sky and howl with rage. It seems a bit luke warm for me sit and think then type something like, "It really bothers me when people park outside my flats at night with their car radio blaring".
Actually... Motherfuckers. That really pisses me off. I need to stockpile bricks on my balcony so I can bounce them off the roof or bonnet of their car as a hint that I'd like them to turn their music down a smidge. Or I could pop downstairs and write shhhh on their bonnet with a hammer. Bastards.
Aaaaargh and there is this guy up the road who has a car horn like the general lee from the dukes of hazards. Every morning about eight he plays it twice. Presumably to summon the other members of care in the community to the sunshine center. Now I am up at that time but after a couple of years I am rapidly reaching the point of getting up earlier and lying in wait for this guy. I can see the headlines now. Man found dead, stupid music car horn shoved up arse.
Lack of consideration for others really bugs me. People who have to play their shitty music at ear shattering volume. The police can now confiscate their stereos if complaints are made but I don't think that goes far enough. They should also confiscate their index finger so they can't press the on switch. Fair?
Now, as you know I am a pretty liberal guy. People should be allowed to do what they like as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. I guess I should be more relaxed about music during the day. Providing it doesn't actually vibrate stuff off my table. At night though these people should be hunted like vermin.
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. Still a little anger left.
Customer service? How do they dare use the title? What they really should call it is customer fob you off not actually do a thing. Although that doesn't roll off the tongue as well.
I am happy to have found the source of my powers again. The compressed pit of rage that burns in my little black heart.
awww I love music.... ever hear the saying if its too loud .... your old. just kidding, I promise to keep the songs playing on my blog at a respectable volume.
oh and I noticed the link to the secular society .... I'm not one of those "christians" I do think about religion alot, but I believe it is a personal thing to be worked out, not something to be forced on anyone. I do write out my thoughts on it .... but it's not an attempt to convert anyone.
That's better you young whipper snapper. Keep it down and I wont have to bang on the walls with my broom.
I have met a lot of the other kind. I have seen what religion can cause. I feel that God or Allah or Buddah or whatever should be a personal thing. Believe what you like and let me do the same.
You have the right attitude. After all time will tell eh? If I am wrong I will be red faced standing outside the pearly gates. After all I remember something about vengeance is mine sayeth the lord so I reckon all those preachy assholes who are casting the first stone down here will also get shit off the doorman when he asks "can't you read?". If god exists he will do the punishing.
Religion scares me because there is no compromise. No admittance that they may not have it all exactly right. It's all we are right and anyone who says different isn't just mistaken but breaking gods law. From there it's very easy to demonise them and then it's time for the flaming torches.
I don't understand how people who call themselves Christians can maintain their values when they are screaming that gay people should die.
I don't doubt there are people who do actually try to live their beliefs in a what would jesus do way it's the others, the fundamentalists that turn me off the whole idea.
Anyway I didn't mena to go off on one. I guess you may notice that I feel pretty strongly about this issue. I hate it when people don't think for themselves.
Well done you.
"Religion scares me because there is no compromise. No admittance that they may not have it all exactly right. It's all we are right and anyone who says different isn't just mistaken but breaking gods law. From there it's very easy to demonise them and then it's time for the flaming torches."
that really is scary isn't it? :s
Bet your sweet patootie. Welcome to my site. Please don't be scared.
well done back to YOU!
Please feel free to go off anytime you like I wish you would more often, I love people with strong feelings towards freedom and personal choices. I think it's called passion.
so.... is your "p1p" like "pip"? I carried around great expectations for a few days but could never make myself read it .... you will have to tell me how the goes.
“My fathers family name being Pirrip, and my christian name Phillip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip. So, I called myself Pip, and came to be called Pip.”
You should read Great expectations. Dickens is a brilliant writer.
I will try to let loose with the passion but I will keep trying to avoid preachy (a faint line I have nearly rubbed out with constant passing).
It is pip but P1P is always easier to get when you are after unique user names.
who is jimmy at the bottom?
Just something I heard on an episode of seinfeld that really amused a friend of mine. It's on there for her.
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