Monday, October 09, 2006

Pick a nick basket

In my quest for personal harmony and in the interests of my not flipping out and killing everyone within a mile of me I have taken steps to keep my karma ticking over nicely.

I have taken up yoga again. Instead of trying to thrash the anger out of me by just going to the gym or swimming or climbing I am now also trying to calm myself through being mystical (or some such shit).

Anyway, I had my first session today. I strolled in and realised I was the only chap there!

This was slightly unnerving, like I had strolled into one of those women only conversations. You know, when they all stop talking and look at you waiting for you to be out of earshot? I ended up asking if it was women only but was assured that men were welcome. Everyone was nice but I still felt like a bit of an intruder.

Anyone who has done yoga will know that there is a lot of relaxing involved. This in combination with compression of the midsection causes people to fart. Now I try to be adult about this sort of thing but on occasion it can cause me to get the giggles. Something to look forward to eh?

I am hoping that the girls on the class wont feel constrained to hold it all in because there is now a lad in the room. We all know how you women (some of you anyway) pretend you don't fart when chaps are around. I really don't want to be the cause of some sort of methane based muscle strain. Nor do I wish to see a lot of faces straining against the inevitable (I feel that this would make me laugh).

Perhaps it's all in my head. Let's hope so eh?

I kept up pretty well though some of the contortions were a little tricky for me. Some of them were seriously unladylike. There were times when I didn't know where to look!

Guilty conscience I guess. I wasn't checking anyone out. No really. Honestly! When I work out or do a class I tend to focus on what I am doing. More so when I am the only chap in the room. Best to keep my mind on the task and my eyes averted. I guess it's the kind of guilt you get when you talk to a copper or teacher at school. You know you haven't done anything wrong but there is always that bit of guilt.

So apart from the odd thoughts about how I fit into the class I was seriously mellowed out by the time the class concluded. This lasted about twelve seconds after I got back to work. From mellow to anger in twelve seconds!

Back to the gym tomorrow. Demons Out-tah!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the mental image I got just from your description of Yoga class gave me the giggles, sounds like fun but I don't think it would be for me... not in a class anyway,
the gym sounds better. I like to walk or dance to let off steam.

Monday, October 09, 2006 4:08:00 pm  
Blogger Student said...

It's good. Very relaxing. I usually do angry exercise like working out in the gym so it's nice to do something that chills you out. Plus it came free with my gym membership so why not?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:17:00 am  

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