Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Bloody Hell

I have been trawling the internet recently and checking out some of the blogs that abound.

I have realised that there are people out there that I have absolutely nothing in common with, that I am pround to not be like.

In fact it's actually scary to think that some of them actually hold these views. Not having a joke. Not being ironic. They actually and truely believe what they are saying.

I know I bang on about stuff that irritates me but I have never felt that an entire people should be wiped from the map or that we should round up immigrants and send them packing. I even support the right of individuals to be as religious as they like (and those who read this blog regularly will know how I feel about religion).

For all my own prejudices I have never once thought that my way was the only way that should be allowed. I have never wanted to force my beliefs on others or felt that there should be a law that made dissention a crime.

I can only hope that although there seem to be a lot of extremists on the web the majority of people just want to live their own lives without interference because if what I read was a representative sample then we as a species are seriously fucked.

It's bad enough that "some" people believe that whole races should be wiped from the map. I can only hope this isn't a common view.

Take a look at yourself now. What do you believe? Do you hate? Why? How do you feel about Muslims if you are a Christian? Or vise versa? How do you feel about the religious if you are an athiest?

Why should anyone have the right to tell me I am evil or morally wrong or the wrong colour? Why should anyone have the law given right to arrest me for something I say? Whatever that may be. As long as I am not hurting anyone else or damaging their property I should have the right to freedom of expression. If I choose to draw a picture of mohammed or make a rude limerick about Jesus or even laugh at a political figure should I be punished?

Decide what rights you want for yourself. Think about how you would feel if others tried to deny you these rights. Now apply that to others. They have the same right to freedom of expression, to freedom from persecution as you do.

Bastard. I hate getting serious. This shit shouldn't have to be stated.

I have come as close to deleting this post as I ever have any other. This blog isn't about the world it's about my world. It's about things that annoy or amuse me (sometimes both). It's also about the therapy. I suppose the above could be something I need to rant about but it seems too big. I like to go on about smaller stuff like why the hell when you are trying to be suave do bras seem padlocked shut?

Seriously, do they make more secure versions for girls that date me? I used to have a move like clicking my fingers and I could do it one handed. What in the name of Jesus' asshole is going on?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

soryy if I comment too much, the way you write is like you are speaking...and it makes me want to talk back to you.
My answer is.. I don't know why?
I think the word "religion" needs to be defined.
I beleive in God and call myself christian for lack of a better term.
But I wouldn't really call myself religious. I don't go to church, actually I'm a bit anti religion (as an establishment) it's more of a spiritaul study to me, and about personal growth, you do decide your own rights not control others, at least in my opinion.
I also support freedom of speech as long as its done in a non-hateful way. I don't get mad about pictures or jokes ... sometimes they ARE funny, sometimes it's a statement, or reflection. When they are more the offensive type... I get sad more than anything and wonder what happened to make someone feel that way, understand? I say the mohammad cartoons that caused such an outrage need no explination why.
about the bras...lol, maybe you should try only dating girls with little boobies.. they come with less complicated equiptment.... maybe even none at all to struggle with.

Thursday, November 09, 2006 9:20:00 pm  
Blogger Student said...

You are welcome. It's nice to get comments.

I guess it was pretty vague. I am generally talking about organised religions. Quietly religious people don't seem to kick off as much. I have nothing aginst personal beliefs even if they conflict with my own. It's the corporate CHURCH that pisses me off.

Freedom of speech has to allow the hateful or the idiots their say too. Freedom has to be for all or it's worthless. I consider it to be bad form to draw cartoons of mohammed as it offends a hell of a lot of people. If someone does draw a cartoon though it's their right to do so.

To declare a death sentance on them or burn flags is just hatred whatever the cause. The drawing is not an excuse it's just a reason to commit hate crimes in the name of a religion.

Muslims are a huge economic force across the world. They don't need to attack the head quarters of a news paper. ALl they need to do is boycott it and anyone who advertises in it.

The Bra thing is a mystery. I tend to go for girls as a whole so the boobies tend to be all sizes. Maybe I have just gotten clumsy!

Friday, November 10, 2006 9:32:00 am  

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