Monday, November 06, 2006

Pyromaniacs Dream

Went to the firework display. As usual it was absolutely amazing. They send up rockets that you aren't even allowed to possess without a special licence!

One thing that really ticks me off is that they still sell fireworks to every sovereign wearing mouth breather who can spare a few quid from their giro.

I appreciate that the majority of people who buy fireworks use them safely in the garden and have a nice time but there are a few who let them off all hours of the night. The police are doing their best but if you sell what are effectively exploding projectiles to the hard of thinking there are going to be problems.

On the bright side each year some of these dumb fucks blow a few fingers off and hopefully learn a valuable lesson. You can't put a price on education I always say!

It was a pretty cool night all in all. Xmas is looming ever closer. This year I am determined to get the majority of my shopping done early so that I can swan about on xmas eve with the calm smug look of the together. Other people can look panicked and flap about. I will be the one merrily propping up the bar.

It's safer for everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what were the fire works for? is there some holiday?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006 4:40:00 pm  
Blogger Student said...

Guy Fawkes Night.

Remember, remember the 5th of November. Gunpowder Treason and Plot? No?

Look it up, it's from when guy and his merry band tried to blow up the houses of parliament in 1605.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006 4:45:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will do ;)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006 5:04:00 pm  

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