Been a while
I have had a lot going on.
I had a promising relationship hit the skids. My fault if you are asking.
I caught Flu.
I learned that being a kid again can be a lot of fun when you get to do stuff like laser tag.
I have discovered a love a cheesecake, especially if I made it.
I hit 33.
All of this stuff has kept me busy. I have been a bit up and down. I think the relationship needed to end and it's better to grasp the nettle firmly rather than see how it goes. It could easily have gone on and then ended in a more painful way later but I figure it's better to deal with stuff as it comes up.
It happened and ended then I caught some unpleasant bug. I tried to convince myself that I was just hungover as after the "talk" I decided things would look much better through the bottom of a bottle. Upshot was that I had a few days off work on my own feeling like crap.
The hardest thing about breaking up is that I m never sure I have made the right decision. I thought I was doing the right thing at the time but now, I don't know. I am gazing back through rose tinted glasses. I miss her a lot and her presence is all through my flat. I have been holding on though, no drunk dialing.
On the bright side some friends took me out for my birthday and got me drunk, a much needed tension breaker.
All in all it hasn't been the best few weeks but things will get brighter I am sure. I hurt someone I cared about but I chose the lesser evil. I am feeling a bit lost but things will get better. I have the luck of the Irish generally.
Anyway, there you go, the reasons I haven't been posting. I have had stuff to talk about but I really didn't want to talk about it as it was still a bit raw.
I bounce back so expect more soon.
I had a promising relationship hit the skids. My fault if you are asking.
I caught Flu.
I learned that being a kid again can be a lot of fun when you get to do stuff like laser tag.
I have discovered a love a cheesecake, especially if I made it.
I hit 33.
All of this stuff has kept me busy. I have been a bit up and down. I think the relationship needed to end and it's better to grasp the nettle firmly rather than see how it goes. It could easily have gone on and then ended in a more painful way later but I figure it's better to deal with stuff as it comes up.
It happened and ended then I caught some unpleasant bug. I tried to convince myself that I was just hungover as after the "talk" I decided things would look much better through the bottom of a bottle. Upshot was that I had a few days off work on my own feeling like crap.
The hardest thing about breaking up is that I m never sure I have made the right decision. I thought I was doing the right thing at the time but now, I don't know. I am gazing back through rose tinted glasses. I miss her a lot and her presence is all through my flat. I have been holding on though, no drunk dialing.
On the bright side some friends took me out for my birthday and got me drunk, a much needed tension breaker.
All in all it hasn't been the best few weeks but things will get brighter I am sure. I hurt someone I cared about but I chose the lesser evil. I am feeling a bit lost but things will get better. I have the luck of the Irish generally.
Anyway, there you go, the reasons I haven't been posting. I have had stuff to talk about but I really didn't want to talk about it as it was still a bit raw.
I bounce back so expect more soon.
Oh dear. Sorry to hear about this little run of misfortunte, whether it was self-inflicted or not. I'm sure everything looked worse than it was while you were suffering from that flu, as well. Nothing like being sick for making the world seem more hostile than it is.
WHen I feel like that, I have a little mantra: "Be rational, you self-pitying old slag."
That brings me round.
Still, stiff upper lip and all, right?
Thanks for the kind words. I agree a sharp snap out of it and drink yourself rational seems to work.
A stiff drink as well as an upper lip!
33's not old! I was 33 last year, hope you feel back to your old self soon. Being sick is ming.
Ah, I am firmly back in the saddle now. I tend to bounce back faily quickly.
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