Thursday, June 29, 2006


I am a pretty healthy guy. I watch what I eat. I do a little exercise each day. I have been vegetarian since I was nineteen.

This is not to say I haven't been a complete animal when the situation warranted it and it warranted it a lot in uni (and a fair bit after but that's a whole different story). Anyway, I have always eschewed hot drinks. I always preferred a cold drink, despite my mother telling me that a hot drink would cool me down (Thanks Peter). Later I tried to avoid additives including caffine.

I have seen the light. Hallelujah! Praise the coffee cup. Ok, caffine is brilliant (I know you all know this, but I am excited about it, why would you spoil that for me, huh? WHY?). I am still trying to keep it to a minimum. A cup at breakfast and one at lunch but it perks me up all day. Also I heard in new scientist that a couple of cups can help shield the liver from the damage alcohol can cause (I may have mentioned this a while back, as you'd already know if you cared enough to read the older entries, what kind of people are you? First you try to ruin my newfound joy with coffee then you don't even bother to read the older entries? You make P1P sad).

Anyway, fan of coffee. and tea. Especially as it's free at work. and it's decent coffee and tea not the reconstituted urine that you get from a lot of machines.

It may make me a bit overactive and I tend to babble but it's certainly worth it in the productivity sense.

Whoo hoo.


Blogger Elizabeth Estrada Aleccia said...

I just heard that a recent study showed that coffee drinkers, even decaf drinkers have a lower incidence of diabetes...drink on

Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:45:00 am  
Blogger Student said...

It can even make you more open to others ideas (new scientist again!).

Thursday, June 29, 2006 2:41:00 pm  

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