Thursday, June 08, 2006

Like picking a scab

I cannot let it alone. Perhaps I should stop reading the news?

Zarqawi has bit the big one. Blair describes it as good news.

Fair enough, he was an asshole. Hate filled and determined to keep the killing going. Ken Bigley's brother said he was glad he was off the face of the world but displayed an unstandable attitude when he said that

""Personally, I would rather have seen him captured and made to stand in the dock and face justice for what he's done.
"If that had happened, I would like to have seen him locked up for life rather than given the death penalty."
The death penalty was "too quick for someone like him", he said.
"But I won't lose any sleep over him being dead.
"I'm not worried that he's gone.""

It highlights something I don't want to feel. Joy at anyone's death is wrong. No matter what they did. Yes he needed to be removed (it would have been better to capture him and put him away but there you go) but we should never feel glad someone is dead.

I remember how I felt when I saw people dancing in the street on TV when 11/9 happened (bite me yanks, we put our days and months round the right way). I was horrified that normal citizens of the country in question could be happy that so many people had died. It was obscene to see their happy smiling faces. I don't ever want to be like that. If we let ourselves become that which we are fighting we have already lost.

Yes he was killed. I don't feel joy about it, it just had to be done like putting a rabid dog down. It's safer that it isn't around anymore.

The other thing I saw and wanted to mention on a less serious note.

The England flag can promote racism! Apparently in Wales the locals don't like it if English fans fly the flag of St George (according to the chief constable of north Wales).

Nope. Sorry. Racists promote racism not flags. Anyone kicking off because someone flies a flag is just looking for an excuse. I support the right of people to fly whatever flag they like without some dickhead giving them crap for it.

The funny thing is that the Welsh MP David Jones described the flags as innocuous and said Wolfendale (the chief constable) was completely misguided.

Wolfendale (who's British) said it's ok during the world cup but all the flag stuff on cars is unnecessary. I am always amused at people being against stuff on behalf of others who don't really care.

I think it looks just a little bit pikey having a flag up on your house or on your car but it's their house/car so it's fine by me. If any of my Welsh friends want to get an enormous Welsh flag out that'd be sweet. All the St George's crosses make it look like the BNP has come to town.


Blogger Andraste said...

I have very mixed feelings about this. Yes, the world is a better place without this piece of shit. But to the people who believe what he believed, and think the way he thought, he's now a martyr. And what happens when you kill martyrs? More pop up. That's how Christianity got going. Kill teh martyrs, and more get inspired to take it up. There will be many, many to replace this guy.

I feel less safe every day.

Friday, June 09, 2006 5:26:00 pm  
Blogger Student said...

Definitely. It would have been better to stick him away in jail and let him think about what he did for the next 60 years. I think we hear mostly bad stuff on the news as it gets more viewers for the stations. I try to remember that there is a lot of good stuff that doesn't get reported as it's not "exciting tv".

I figure we are safe as we ever were but probably not as safe as we thought we were.

Monday, June 12, 2006 8:28:00 am  

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