Thursday, June 08, 2006

P1PP1N the next generation

Big day today. My little sister has hit thirty.

This has come home to roost in a way my own thirtieth never did. Not in an 'oh shit I am headed for decrepitness or death' kind of way. More in a realisiation that I am no longer one of the new generation. With my sister and friends with kids there is a whole new generation coming along. It's pretty cool.

The question is do I grow up? Do I straighten up and fly right? Hell no. It's my right as uncle P1P to be irresponsible, to be a bad influence to do all the fun stuff. It's nice being an uncle, I show up and we have fun then I leave. I guess I neatly avoid all of the difficult bits of being a parent. I probably miss a lot of the rewarding stuff also (so I am told) but at the moment it's enough.

I just screwed up. I normally just type what's in my head and let it flow onto the screen unchanged. It seems to be cheating to constantly fiddle with a blog entry (except for a quick once over to check for glaring spelling or grammatical errors). If I were to polish each entry too much you wouldn't be getting the unfiltered P1P and I wouldn't get the benefit of the therapy! Anyway I screwed up by trying to open a large file midway through typing this and losing it all. This is retyped. I didn't try to recreate it I just started again and let it happen. Don't look at me like that it was an honest mistake not cheating. I don't care for recriminations!

Anyway it's hot as arse today. Anyone familiar with the British will know about our weather obsession. It's discussed a lot. Where I come from people will look at the sky in some sort of mystical way and say "speaks of rain" or "it talks of rain". I have no idea what is doing the speaking or the talking. Perhaps they refer to some unattractive or sexually ambiguous local weather person?

Anyway the Brit's have a fetish for the weather. We tend to moan about bad weather a lot and wait all year for those days of sunshine, but as soon as the thermometer gets over 'a bit warm' we fall to pieces. We yearn for the summer but will spend a lot of time saying how we like it hot but not this hot. Peter Kaye hit the nail on the head when he talked about it.

I like to think I am a little more easy going than the average. Having been about a bit I have felt some heat and Blighty can't really compare. Mind you I am still damn hot!

I am lucky that my place of work has a very chilled attitude about dress code. The shorts and 3/4 length trousers are out in force. I may test this if it gets any hotter by stripping to my pants (shorts to our colonial cousins).

Anyway today is a good day for a lot of reasons and tonight I am going to top it off with a barbecue and a few beers in the sunshine. If life were any better I just couldn't live with myself!


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Jimmy likes you. Jimmy would like to go on a date with you. That makes Jimmy smile.