Friday, December 01, 2006


I have a real problem with this. Seriously. I will pull stuff apart in my head and use it to make myself miserable.

This is a bad thing. All that look before you leap crap is all very well but once you have leapt you shouldn't feel the need to pick apart every facet of the decision and use it to work out why you are a bad person.

Introspection can lick the sweat from my stinky bridge.

Anyway, I tend to rebound between extremes. I tend to leap on things like and excited kitten then suffer when I realise it's the iron. Burnt paws are where that sort of behaviour leads. On the other hand if you just sit about and don't make the occasional leap you will be taken to the vets and put down for being boring.

Ok, this entry has taken a turn down a dark path.I wouldn't really put a kitten down if it was boring. I'd buy it a playmate, like a rotweiler (joke!).

Anyway, I think my problem is that I worry too much. Sometimes shit happens. Sometimes it's my fault. I don't deliberately screw up so maybe I need to cut myself some slack when I do.

Other people? No, fuck them. If they screw up the should burn in hell, IN HELL I TELLS YER!

Aaaaaaaaaaaah the cool breeze of moderation in action!

Long story short, I kind of envy those people who can meander through the wreckage and accept that they didn't mean it, then stop worrying about it. They actually just lay it down and forget about it! Marvellous.

Am I envying a sociopathic personality disorder? Hmm. May need to sit a spell and think that over. Somebody pass me my pipe!


Blogger fatmammycat said...

Overthinking on a Friday is the very worst kind too. Have a pint and then have a very nice weekend.

Friday, December 01, 2006 4:14:00 pm  
Blogger Student said...

I had a pint and a very nice weekend thank you. I will work on the mentalness.

Monday, December 04, 2006 11:22:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have this same problem! but I am much more forgiving to others than myself, alot of that might be because others arent always as forgiving. Something I have wondered is how come there are some who are just plain fuck ups, their whole entire life .. out right idiots, always just fucking up everything .... people just let them keep being fuck ups? Its like they except it. But when someone tries very hard to be as perfect as they can for the most part, when they fuck up its like they face the firing squad. a thousand goods can be erased completly by one bad .... even if it was a mistake, a stupid bad decision, or maybe you had no choice but to jump. Why isn't any explaining or apologizing aloud. why? why why why?

Thursday, December 07, 2006 6:52:00 am  
Blogger Student said...

tu s.tin. It sounds like you have personal experience here. I know what you mean. Sometimes you just have to go and deal with the fallout later. We aren't always aware of other options. I beat myself up about my screwups but I am aware that I shouldn't (or at least shouldn't as much!).

cheer up. It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 08, 2006 10:25:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one thing to remember is, usually, even if you do fuck up it turns out ok in the end.
If at first you don't succed try try again... maybe really I'm trying to fuck up and just can't... I should try harder.
Thats a new outlook.
did I ever mention I have some strange humor thats mostly only funny to me?
Yes it is Firday... and I happen to get off work today ;) cheers.

Friday, December 08, 2006 3:36:00 pm  
Blogger Student said...

Does it? Excellent.

I like the idea of trying harder to fuck up. Bit of an odd thing to do.

Ah, that will be the humour!

Mondays make me need a drink!

Monday, December 11, 2006 1:50:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

monday made me drink too....
I think from this conversation I have evolved, thank you.
instead of trying to do right and make everyone happy all the time (wich never works and changes nothing)
I will change my strategy ... and start fucking everthing up, then others would have to change too and start doing things for themselves. super hero turned evil mastermind... I love it.
I will rule the world and no one can stop me, mwahhahahahah!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:27:00 pm  
Blogger Student said...

Ok, someone has had too much sugar.

Let's just step away from the conversation carefully, making no sudden moves!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:44:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm laughing ...hope thats the right response .. :P

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:57:00 pm  
Blogger Student said...

;) Spot on.

Thursday, December 14, 2006 9:40:00 am  

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