Friday, February 02, 2007

Church is mental redux

A chap, mikep, commented of the first church is mental blog to say...

"Not that I'm judging or anything, but it seems a bit ironic to me that you "love Christmas" but find the rest of the religion thing weird.

Afterall, couldn't some observers think it a bit odd that people sacrifice a live evergreen, stand up its corpse in the living room, and festoon it with shiny plastic doodads?"

I replied

"Judge away mikep it's what the web is for (and porn). Although I love xmas not christmas. I make sure that I cut the religion right out of that bad boy.

I also go for the plastic tree, it's kitch all the way. I can't argue with the oddness of decorating a plastic tree though or hanging a lot of shiny crap off it.

I also changed easter into 'chocolate egg couple of days off work time'. There is no need to sully these fantastic events with religion. In fact religion can make them suck, who the hell needs to get up early with a hangover and sit in a draughty church?"

I thought this was a pretty interesting topic. As an athiest my life is littered with religion. I was christened although I was too young to know what the hell was going on. I went to Sunday school where they did their best to turn me into a button down little christian. We had the vicar at our school pretty often for lent and other assorted crap (ever make one of those reed crosses?). We said the lords prayer everyday.

In an aside, the other day at the church the lords prayer was intoned and they have dropped the thees and thines! It's all 'yours in the kingdom' now. I was a little horrified at least it used to sound properly religious now it sounds like a bit of a statement.

So yeah, I do celebrate xmas or christmas. I call it by both names but I don't particularly associate it with Christ. I have attended midnight mass as it gives me a bit of a christmassy feel, we also needed somewhere out of the wind to enjoy some ribs we bought (before the vegetarian days).

I am thankful for everything I have. Doesn't mean I believe in god. England may be a fairly secular country but we came from a highly structured religious past. Our monarch tossed the catholics out (so he could get a divorce although it would be nice to say he did it for us). He set up the church of England which the majority of Brits treat with a kind of benevolent neglect but our lives are still littered with the detritus of centuries of religious control.

I figure that it can be treated like the pagan leftovers of mayday etc. This doesn't mean we shouldn't use them as an excuse to have a little fun.


Blogger MikeP said...

I think I might like to join your religion with the "chocolate egg couple of days off work time" traditions.

Usually Easter Mass is SRO, so my dad used to always complain that the regular christians ought to get that day off.

Either way today is Feb. 2--Happy Groundhog's Day, or Happy St. Blase's Day. Neither one adds up to a day off.

How do you celebrate it?

Friday, February 02, 2007 9:28:00 pm  
Blogger Student said...

All are welcome. As athiests we select the religious hpolidays we choose to observe. No fasting no getting up early.

Happy groundhog day. I don't know what that is but It's margarita time!

Monday, February 05, 2007 11:30:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well from my own christian views ... I'm glad athiests celebrate along... after all no matter what we each believe we are all part of the same family...;)

Thursday, February 08, 2007 9:26:00 pm  
Blogger Student said...

My people do love a celebration! I happily anyone compliments of the season

Friday, February 09, 2007 9:24:00 am  

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