Holiday Madness

I love xmas. Pretty much everything about it.
I love the lights, the food, the giving and receiving of gifts, putting up the tree even the pony TV. It's the only time of year when i think I wonder if mary poppins is on or I hope Digby the biggest dog in the world will be on this year.
I get a bit ticked off with how corporations drag christmas about and make it cheap. They force it to whore itself in every shop window from october onwards. It makes me a bit sad.
I remember when I was so excited from December the first when I got to open the advent calendar (what the hell do they make that chocolate out of? I don't know anything that tastes like that). December used to take years to get through, each day bringing me to a new level of hysteria (but enough about last year).
It would be nice if I could get back that feeling. Being a kid around Christmas is the best. Actually waiting for Santa on Christmas eve? When you think about it nothing comes close as an adult (well there was this one girl... but that's a whole other blog weirdly enough involving stockings).
I think this year I might try to be more christmassy. I sorted my shopping early so I don't need to have the frantic worry about whether I have bought the right gift for the right person. I may need a run up but I will attempt to hit a festive high (not easy for a grumpy old grinch like myself). I will try not to tut at the piercing sounds of slade, I will not complain at the TV guide full of musicals, I will even eat sprouts (actually not that hard as I like them which is weird in itself as there was a time when I would have rather eaten dog biscuits).
I am looking forward to the break from work as it's been a pretty tough year.
On an aside wouldn't it be cool if we had a white xmas? I have seen snow on christmas day in years. Oh crap, I sound like me dad (as well as foight like me da).
All in all I am feeling pretty lucky. It's not long before I stop work. I am off delivering gifts this weekend so I get to see my nephews and family. I have finished shopping except for one last gift and how long will that take? Does that sound like famous last words to anyone else?
Roll on Christmas.
In case it all goes pearshaped and there is no more blogging, have a Merry Chrstmas and a Happy New year all. Catch you on the tail end of my hangover.
have a very merry christmas pip...
God bless us every one!
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