Friday, June 30, 2006

A suggested topic

Now, I don't usually take direction about my blog. I tend to waffle on about whatever happens to be in my head when my fingers hit the keyboard.

Anyway, after getting a haircut last night I accidentally went to the pub (never mind how, just be aware that it wasn't intentional). A couple of drinks with friends led to a couple of discussions, in one my blog was mentioned (when I get a rant I am usually told to shut up and blog it, fair enough I reckon after all that's what this blog is about).

The suggestion I got, once the person realised I had a blog was to talk about girls wearing more than one necklace.

Apparently some people think the Mr T look is very snazzy. Alright people I shall say this only once (to paraphrase a shit sitcom), a lot of gold jewelry on show is chavvy.

This may be the look you are going for and if so fair enough. I fully support people rights to wear what they like. I also support the right to laugh at chavs, I can't help it. Sovereign rings? Gold clown pendants? Big thick gold chains worn over the shell suit?

Fuck no. Not on my manor (actually wear what you like I just wanted to say 'not on my manor').

Anyway the girls I was with had a conversation about another girl who had a bunch of gold necklaces on. I tend to agree with the gist of it. The effect of jewelry isn't cumulative. One carefully selected necklace can look stylish and accentuate the outfit you have on (oh yeah, fashion talk from the pipster!), a 10 chains does not equal ten time as stylish. Just as ten coats does not make a bag lady into a millionaire.

On the topic of chavs I didn't realise that chav was a subculture like straight edge or gothic. I just thought it was a result of shit taste and a lot of pike. I was surprised to discover that it's actually an intended look and behavior pattern! Who would have thought that wearing sports wear, a bunch of shitty jewelry and having an attitude was intentional! Mind you, if I saw a goth for the first time I would have suspected they had got dressed in the dark.

Anyway, upshot? I think I might be getting old as I am looking at kids and going "what the fuck do you look like?". There is probably a moral here or some sort of uplifting message if you can be bothered to search for it. I can't.

I think I am fully on the side of freedom of expression. Wear what you like, just don't be surprised if society mocks you for it (See the chavscum link in my sidebar)!


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