Friday, May 22, 2009

Konnichi wa

Hello all (I do sometimes wonder if there is an all anymore, perhaps there is just a you? Or maybe just a me? Ah well blogging is in effect a solitary act sort of like written masturbation so does it really matter? The woods are empty but those falling trees really do make a sound and that sound is the tapping of keys).

Anyway... On with the post.

I am trying to learn Japanese. It helps with Aikido given that Aikido is a Japanese martial art and all the moves, strikes, throws commnds etc are given in Japanese. Some might call this pretentious but to steal a joke from Grant Naylor....,
"Pretentious? Watashi?"

Well, it made me laugh.

Anyway it's not easy. Romanji fair enough but katakana and hiragana? Sweet googly moogly that's some hard learnin'! On the bright side it's quite an interesting thing to look at. Did you know that there are no plurals? On top of this I am training extra hard to get better. Not an easy task, it takes years and years to get good and a lifetime may not be enough to master it all.

The brilliant thing about all the exercise I have been getting is that I have been able to carb up. I am a bit of a lover of big sandwiches and now I need the extra protein etc I can get back to the trough!

Work is a bit weird at the moment. There is a situation brewing that is really testing me. I feel like I have been dumped in the middle of something that I really don't want to get involved with. I guess we just do what we must.

On the bright side it's Friday and I am not training again until Tuesday so I have three days of R&R durinmg which I intend sample booze and food!

Anyway duty calls, have a good one all.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Weirdly happy

Thought I'd pop by and blow the cobwebs from the corners of my blog. Me? What have I been up to?


Selling my place. It's so clean and tidy it's like someone nice actually lives there. I have a viewing today actually so fingers crossed. Although I would have to be lucky as it's only been on the market a couple of days and I hear it can take months. I am trying to be zen about it!

On the bright side I have been getting some extra Aikido training. I am exhausted as I am also doing yoga twice a week and running too. Getting fit. Although I am tired it's left me with a really nice feeling of well being. Which is nice :-).

I also thought I'd take the time to mention how beautiful it is where I live. Sorry if that sounds smug but at dawn when there is no one else about and I am running it's amazing.

For those of you who have read my earlier blogging may be a bit surprised at the tone of this one. Usually I am pretty angry at the world but at the moment I am pretty chilled. It could be that it's Friday, it could be that I am not training again until Sunday, it could even be exhaustion induced euphoria, whatever it is it's superb. If I could bottle this I'd be very rich!


Tonight I am off out for dinner and a cheeky drink. If I was doing any better I just couldn't live with myself.

See ya
Jimmy likes you. Jimmy would like to go on a date with you. That makes Jimmy smile.