Friday, November 23, 2007

Home truths

Been a while huh? I have a habit of losing interest. Which is strange as I can also be obsessive.

This is not to say I have decided to give up or anything. I have just been distracted. I think Christmas has filled my brain with tinsel and shiny lights. I might be easily distracted. That's not to say I have an attention span longer than a humming bird anyway!

I go out for bread and come back with all sorts of crap.

All this doesn't mean that I have neglected the news. Oh no Mr Brown.

Honestly, it's enough to make you vote tory. At least we would have a change of faces behind the fuck ups. Some other gormless waste of skin explaining and apologising but never actually fixing the problem. Accepting responsibility but never being punished.

What the fuck is that about? Once a politician has said I accept full responsibility and apologise then surely we could haul them off to jail to be buggered by some nutter. You'd think at least they'd lose their jobs.

Alistair Darling? I think a man who lets the freaky eyebrows continue has judgement issues anyway. I think Brown fucked up by not calling an election immediately. He's inherited a position rather than been voted for by the public. If he'd bitten the bullet immediately I think he would have scraped though and we would have been more invested in him. Instead he's the muppet that sneaked in and fucked up. The alternatives have never looked good but they are starting to stink less in comparision.

Here's an idea. All politicians, especially the government must use public transport. Their kids have to go to state schools. They have to live in the most deprived areas of their constituency and they are paid the average wage. I bet they would be a bit more concerned about sorting things out then. There should also be a addendum that no person involved in a sale of state resources shall be allowed to profit from it. They sell that MOD unit and two civil servant get made millionnaires while the public gets shortchanged? Isn't it a bit of a conflict of interest? Isn't it even criminal?

Blimey! That all popped out suddenly.

I hear a chap complained about BT on U Tube? Not a bad idea. My friend was on the phone to BT for over an hour the other night. Just to request a broadband connection from the tossmongers. They passed her back and forth. The price got steadily higher from what she was initially quoted. She was then told that she had to either pay for the higher package or pay £50 for a wireless router. Apparently it's not allowed to use your existing router.

They also got the arse when she said she didn't want any tv packages. She just wants the normal channels and freeview. They really tried the hard sell. Makes you wonder how many old ladies will be bullied or confused into buying more than they need when the digital changeover occurs.

We are surrounded by incompetents and thieves people. Self interest and profit is coming before everything. I like to think that one day a decent man might get into parliament. Or even enough of them to make a difference. Turf out all of the hot air merchants.

Crikey, I do seem to have a cynical turn of mind today.

I may need to go back to yoga soon

Friday, November 02, 2007


Wow, it appears that time has flown by again. I get busy and I forget about this old blog. After a while I notice something missing and dust it off like an old jacket (you know the one, not fashionable but you think it's stylish, it spends a lot of time at the bottom of your wardrobe until you notice it and take it for a spin).

Anyway not much has occurred. I am trying to get back into climbing. I am never sure if I like it that much. It's not really enjoyment I get out of it it's some sort of satisfaction. Also, for me it's like getting into the lotus position and saying om. Like the chap in layer cake says mediation is occupying part of your mind with something so the rest can zone out (my paraphrasing). He strips guns and puts them together again. I scramble up a wall and hang by my finger tips. It's very true though, being high up and not having a safety rope (most of the time I free climb) concentrates the mind wonderfully. So despite the pain in my forearms, the abraded hands and the occasional lumps and bruises that I get from climbing I leave feeling calm and together.

Had a rough time getting over my last relationship. Seems poetic that I end something then struggle to deal with the fall out. I feel like I have come through it but it wasn't fun. Good friends and good times are a panacea. It always takes me a while to sort my head out. Generally as long as I stay positive I'm OK. I read somewhere that during times of stress a mind can go towards the positive or towards the negative and the way that it goes can be strongly influenced by training. In other words think good thoughts. All a bit Disney really isn't it? Go too far down that road and you are standing in a field singing in harmony to the blue birds which are perched on your hat.

So relationships. They must go into room 101. I meet someone and it's great. The romance, the wining and dining, spending time with someone you genuinely like all and if all goes well some time in the bedroom.

The problem seems to be when you reach that point where you either take it further or it ends. The 'do you love them' point. It always takes a while to work it out but once you know, you know and if what you know is that it isn't love then it has to end. What else can you do? Fuck buddies? Sure, but that only seems to work if you are both in the same place. Get that wrong and it goes pear shaped pretty quickly. Stick it out and hope that it gets better? Oh get a pair and be a man about it. You know it's not going to get better and if you don't do the decent thing the only option is a life with someone you don't love, who is that fair to? Burying your head never works.

So although I am an addicted serial monogamist I have decided to ditch the relationships as they have all ended the same way. I know there is the argument that it only has to happen once but I have been figuratively standing here arms folded tapping my foot for some time now. Make with the romance plenty quick, chop bloody chop.

OK, I know above I said I was ditching relationships but I have thought for several seconds and decided I was a bit hasty. After all i am sure next time I will hit the jackpot!

Jimmy likes you. Jimmy would like to go on a date with you. That makes Jimmy smile.