Friday, October 12, 2007

Against the current

Ever been in one of those positions where you are pretty much screwed? Work or private life.

There doesn't seem to be much in the way of an escape route. You are pretty much surrounded and the cavalry isn't coming.

Sometimes I feel like that. It seems to be that it's a pretty good way of sorting people into personality types. Are you glass half empty or full? Are you able to realise when you are licked?

Personally I say do what you can until you can't anymore. I think this is more due to my stubborn nature than any noble reason. Did I mention that I can be a little recalcitrant? Are you sure? I am sure I mentioned it somewhere along the way?

Anyway I have been known, on occasion, to dig my heels in. Now I prefer to describe this as grit or determination or perseverance but I believe it could be mistaken for bloody mindedness. A bit.

Anyway, I have problems to deal with and I am not sure that they can be tackled without totally over stepping my authority. It would seem the smart thing to do would be back off and not get involved.

Yeah right!! Where is the fun in that. Deal with what's in front of you.

On the other hand it's Friday so what's in front of me will be a pint!

I love the weekend.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Piss it away

Anyone keeping up with the Diana enquiry?

Why do the jurors need to go to france? Why do they need to see the location of the accident? Ok, perhaps seeing the location might be worthwhile but why do they need to look at the ritz she and dodi were staying in?

How much is this costing the british people?

I get a bit fed up with people wasting cash on crap like this. Sure hold another inquiry. Get a bunch of people and show them the evidence in a room. It should take about a week then get them to return a decision which will without doubt be coloured by opinions they have already formed.

While we are on the subject, the idea of a jury as it stands is a joke. A bunch of people randomly picked from the populatin are required tounderstand legal proceedings and pass judgement on you. Jesus Christ! How scary is that?

There are a hell of a lot of mouthbreathers that could end up judging you if you are unlucky. A jury of my peers? Do I get to adminster IQ tests first and check their educational backgrounds?

I think there should be a minimum requirement for jury duty. Mind you I think that about voting too. Human rights can get fucked, if you don't understand the issues then perhaps you shouldn't be adding your two penneth worth. You know, on election day I have spoken top people who have voted on the basis that they like "his nice smile" or because "well my dad always voted for this party".

Sweet fucking charity. These people are helping to decide things! Am I the only one a bit nervous about this?

"but pip, Everyone should have the right to a vote"

shut the fuck up. Everyone who isn't a fuck wit. I don't care if you vote BNP as long as you uinderstand the issues and aren't just voting because you think Brown has the eyes of a paedophile. Didn't someone mention a while back about giving prisoners the vote? Fuck me. I would instantly vote and campaign against any party considering that.

Hey, why not allow everyone in the world a vote. I am sure Al-Quieda will vote sensibly.

Ok, we are calm. You put down the voting slip, don't make me come over there and explain fiscal policy to you, you twat.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Requisat in pace

It's funny sometimes how you just hit a calm.

The right music, the right location and you zen out. I am feeling pretty apprecative about life at the moment. All the stress, pain and other crap that narks up my existence seems very far away. I hope it lasts a while.

I know it can't last forever nor would I want it to. I think it's probably the contrasts in life that make the good times what they are. It's not forever but right now everything is going to be ok. Right now I can sit here with a smile on my face and see what a gift it is to be alive.

You know what else? It's a Friday! The weekend stretches ahead full of possibilities. I am not sure what could be better that this.

These sort of situations don't happen very often and they usually dont last very long. I blogged about another occurance a while back. I called it gobsmacked I think.

I am going to go enjoy this buzz.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Turns out that going out and getting completely tanked up in the company of like minded friends isn't the best idea if you are ill.

What could I do though? I couldn't miss a friends birthday. I did try to leave when we moved from one pub to another but was sternly told to remain where I was. On the brightside I had an amazing if hazy night.

On the darker side I was off ill until today and I managed to share the cold with a couple of other people (just by being near them, nothing else). Definitely not good.

Good night but I have paid for it. Apparently alcohol doesn't work as well and cold and flu.

I'm a bit at sea at the moment. Way too much to think about. I think friends, a decent wine and a good meal is just what the Doc' ordered.

Time will tell.
Jimmy likes you. Jimmy would like to go on a date with you. That makes Jimmy smile.