Friday, September 28, 2007


Feeling like crap.

Have a stinking cold.

There is a do tonight that I wish to attend.

Time to cowboy up and stop whining about it. Alcohol is used as a disinfectant right? If it will clean medical equipment it will clean me.

It's time that I took care of myself properly and followed the path of booze healing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Jackson tastic

No, I am not making a crack at alledged paedophilia or the way you seem to be able to buy yourself out of a prison sentance in America.

Nope. I am talking about skin lightening cream (not that jacko used it, no siree bob).

The news this morning talked about complaints being laid against a bollywood star for starring in an advert for skin lightening cream. Apparently is some asian colours a lighter skin denotes a higher caste, pretty muchin the same way that in some western cultures a darker skin showed that you could afford a foreign holiday and were therefore richer.

Is there anything to complain about?

No one is being forced to lighten their skin. Just as no one is forced to buy fake tan products. Yes, it's being agressively advertised in the hope that people will buy the product. No, this isn't a crime.

Adults should be able to make a decision. If they are gullible to believe that lighter or darker skin will gain them something, fine. If they feel better with lighter or darker skin, also fine. I look better with a tan, let's face it any IT dungeon dweller would. Pasty white skin isn't a good look. I don't buy fake tan because I find it a little weird for guys. I don't lay out in the sun because this is England and quite frankly we don't get enough. Plus I have the attention span of a spider monkey.

Anyway, I don't see the problem. People always want to look different. If you frown upon one method of lightening the skin you have to reconsider tanning products, implants, liposuction, slimming products, hair dye, the list does go on!

Are these complainers saying that we are who we are and thats your lot? Not a bad sentiment but it'd be nice if they would allow the rest of us to choose whether we wich to follow their philosophy.

I feel that if you have the cash and the desire, you should be allowed to do whatever the hell you like with your own body. I include putting whatever you like in it, drugs, cake, tea, booze. Our bodies are one of the few things we own totally. Providing we don't mind being charged to fix them up it's up to us to treat them how we like.

I do think that the NHS should charge people extraif they don't look after them. Someone who looks after themselves should be charged less than a herion taking, chain smoking, pie eating, kickboxer.

Anyway this whole issue seems to be a bandwagon waiting for idiots to jump on it. Those idiots had better not be dying their hair or even wearing makeup is all I can say!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's good to be back!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Living for the weekend

I promised myself I'd never be like this. I hate the idea of just doing the job and living for the weekend.

I think it's a temporary situation as work is mental, too much to do too few people to do it with added advantage of people who seem to be deliberately sabotaging the efforts of me and my team.

I don't intend to ever live to work. It's the other way round or I will find something I enjoy more. Maybe time to reconsider becoming a chef?

On the brightside I have bought myself a blow torch! Time for some dangerous cooking I feel. Given the damage I did to myself with a knife perhaps I should buy some safety gear before blasting the top of creme brule. Gong to be cooking up a storm.

Feeling it today. Made myself a very respectable dinner of shepherds pie and cauliflower cheese. I used stilton in the cheese sauce for a bit of a twist. Anyway such a great dinner clearly needed some wine with it so I cracked open a red that's been in my rack a while. I had a couple of glasses with dinner then ended up polishing the rest off in front of the box.

I don't exactly have a hangover but I have that red wine sluggishness. Not fun considering I have to keep moving today. I reckon it was worth it. A nice relaxing evening seriously chilled me out.

Bugger, best get back to it. More posting when I am not being chased from pillar to post.
Jimmy likes you. Jimmy would like to go on a date with you. That makes Jimmy smile.