One Year Today

I passed the hundred mark for posting a while back. Now I have reached the anniversary of my Blog. What do I do with that info?
I must admit that the thought of quitting is appealing. I have done this for a whole year and although I have amused myself I haven't really added much. On the other hand it does make me chuckle and I like reading what other people write also. There are times where I struggle to write anything. I try to avoid seeking out stuff to blab about. I prefer (as I have said before) to write when it's being forced out of me by sheer rage or because it just must be said.
I don't claim to be profound or even worth reading as this blog was started for me (and for the people who's ears I used to bend). I think even if I quit I would be compelled to come back and carry on so I wont bother.
I guess I will be here making little comments from the sidelines as and when I feel like it.
While we are here....
Idiots. What the fuck are they for? We need to rise up and sack, dump, ignore and generally harrass these tossbags. I used to say I don't suffer fools gladly, now I say, "what the fuck do you want? Leave me alone before I break my foot off in your arse". Zero tolerance. No making allowances. Keep an eye out don't hire them, if you get the chance set the hounds on them.
WHY WHY WHY? They abound. You can't move before one is in your face dribbling out some purile shit that you don't need to hear. How do they get employed? I seriously question the ability of interview panels (maybe the interviewers need some serious training?). Aaaaaah life is way to short.
I seriously need to get my punch bag set up again. It will help me get out my aggression!
... aaaaand relax. I feel much better now.
Go Burt and Ernie!