Thursday, March 22, 2007

One Year Today


I passed the hundred mark for posting a while back. Now I have reached the anniversary of my Blog. What do I do with that info?

I must admit that the thought of quitting is appealing. I have done this for a whole year and although I have amused myself I haven't really added much. On the other hand it does make me chuckle and I like reading what other people write also. There are times where I struggle to write anything. I try to avoid seeking out stuff to blab about. I prefer (as I have said before) to write when it's being forced out of me by sheer rage or because it just must be said.

I don't claim to be profound or even worth reading as this blog was started for me (and for the people who's ears I used to bend). I think even if I quit I would be compelled to come back and carry on so I wont bother.

I guess I will be here making little comments from the sidelines as and when I feel like it.

While we are here....

Idiots. What the fuck are they for? We need to rise up and sack, dump, ignore and generally harrass these tossbags. I used to say I don't suffer fools gladly, now I say, "what the fuck do you want? Leave me alone before I break my foot off in your arse". Zero tolerance. No making allowances. Keep an eye out don't hire them, if you get the chance set the hounds on them.

WHY WHY WHY? They abound. You can't move before one is in your face dribbling out some purile shit that you don't need to hear. How do they get employed? I seriously question the ability of interview panels (maybe the interviewers need some serious training?). Aaaaaah life is way to short.

I seriously need to get my punch bag set up again. It will help me get out my aggression!

... aaaaand relax. I feel much better now.

Go Burt and Ernie!

Friday, March 16, 2007


What's the opposite? Is there a word for being happy at someone else's fortune?

A friend had some good news and I am very pleased for him. Obviously if you could all keep this between us that'd be great. I don't want to lose my reputation as a curmudgeon.

Anyway, it's Friday and the weekend of St Patricks day! The diddly diddly music will abound, there will be guinness quaffed (to nick a quote from Prattchet it's like drinking but you spill more) and the craic will be had by all.

Only the morning and I fancy a guinness already.

and some colcannon.

Oooh, and some onion rings!

Cead Mille Failte

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Steak and a Blow Job.

A chap called Tom Birdsey came up with

It was brought to my attention by Tu s.tin.

The premise is that Feb the 14th is for the girls so March 14th should be for the boys. Personally I could do without the steak. Anyway a friend pointed out that valentines day is for the guys too. Very true. Nice wine, decent meal and romance equals Lingerie and putting out.

Still Steak and a BJ is a day that truely deserves it's time in the sun, even if it must be made more politically correct and vegetarian friendly.

How about Spaghetti Genovese and a 69 day? Or Curry and sex day? Or Sandwich and Head day?

Equality people, equality. Spread the word.... and the love.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

International Women day

Huh? When did this happen? Do I get a day too? Mothers, Fathers, Valentines, Saints and Women. Men probably have a day but given my lackadaisical approach to bothering about stuff like that I can understand if I missed it. In fact I cannot even be arsed to google and see. Send me answers and I will look at them if I can be arsed.

Wait. Put down the knife madam. I am not against women having a day. See? Calm down. I am on your side, or at least afraid of you unleashing the anger.

I think women are great. Absolutely brilliant (except for that 'guess why I am angry' thing, what's that about anyway?). One of my all time favourite things! Right up there with the greats like Christmas day! A day to celebrate women sounds great but I am a bit unsure of protocol. How to I celebrate this? Please tell me it doesn't involve waxing!

Ok here we go. Ready? Whooooohoooooo woman are brilliant!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I need the romance

I can't just put out at the spur of the moment. I need the roses, I need the romance. I need to know there will be tenderness. Will there, I ask with wide eyes, be dancing.

You sit there expecting me to come up with a blog that's worth reading? It doesn't work like that. Sometimes I have to yell about something. I have to let it out before it tears me open. If my chest was a cannon I'd fire my heart at it (Sorry Herman).

Other times I am at peace with the world or at least we have a temporary ceasefire. During these lulls the blogging just doesn't come. I have been tempted (and may have actually given in on occasion) to describe events in my life. This can work but to me feels a little like cheating. It feels a bit tame. I like to have the words driven from me by the white hot rage magma compressed behind them.

I started this blog originally after a colleague who was amused at one of my outbursts about something suggested that I needed to get it out of my system and wouldn't a blog do that?

Now I don't have as much rage. Have I shot my wad? Or have I succumbed to enui? Do I care anymore? Can I be bothered to administer a written punch to the nose of the irritating things in life?

At the moment? No. I really don't give a ratchet spanner. Not to worry though sooner or later someone will get on my pecs and I shall gather my fury about me and head off across the moors. Don't stray from the path, if you do you will see me baying at the moon and foaming at the mouth.

While I am here. Why the hell have a meeting if there is nothing to say? Surely that's just a coffee morning? Also meetings to give updates on stuff that is behind schedule take the piss. If we aren't keeping up anyway why saddle us with something that will take up more of the time we need? I like the free coffee and biscuits but could we be a bit more honest about the name please? Can we just call them coffee drinking and biscuit eating while avoiding work?

What do you know? I had a little nugget in there anyway!
Jimmy likes you. Jimmy would like to go on a date with you. That makes Jimmy smile.