Apologies but I cannot stay away from it. It's this stuff that most enrages me.
Bush vetoed the stem cell bill because, ""It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect, so I vetoed it," he said on Wednesday.".
Apparently it's morally fine to rig an election (alledgedly), it's morally fine to invade a sovereign country and start a war for no justifiable reason, it's even morally fine to do business with terrorists (who trained and armed bin laden I ask you?) but it's not morally fine to use embryonic tissue to cure actual people.
"“The simple answer is he thinks murder’s wrong,” White House spokesman Tony Snow reiterated on Tuesday. “The president is not going to get on the slippery slope of taking something living and making it dead for the purposes of scientific research.”"
Apparently this does not extend towards Iraqi civillians. His Christian (yeeeehaaaa) values don't extend to people who are actually alive (as opposed to unwanted tissue that has the potential to become a person) if they are foreign. Let's hope the US votes in someone sensible next time (if they have such a thing in their political system).
Next, Prescott "is set to be given a "mild rebuke" by parliament's sleaze watchdog over his stay at a wealthy tycoon's US ranch".
A mild rebuke? What in the name of Jebus's ringpiece is that?
"Sources say the Commons standards committee is likely to sanction what amounts to a "slapped wrist".
Sources have told the BBC that Mr Prescott is likely to receive only a "mild rebuke" because he swiftly listed his visit to Mr Anschutz's ranch on the register of members' interests.
He is expected to be told he should have made that registration in the first place."
You know what that sounds like to me?
Sounds like he got caught then "decided" to list his visit. It sounds like if the media hadn't cottoned on he wouldn't have "swiftly listed his visit". How does that get you a mild rebuke?
It really pisses me off, just like letting criminals change their pleas at the last minute.
Imaginary courtroom
"Did you do it?"
"Did you do it?"
"We have pictures of you doing it"
" Ok, I plead guilty can I have a reduced sentence?"
Admitting something after it's been proved is worth nothing.
The jolly fat man has denied any form of corruption. Probably while trying to squeeze his big fat white ass into the (said to be worth) £11,000 cowboy suit given to him (as just a friendly gift) by the guy who wants a super-casino licence (which of course Mr Prescott has no influence over at all).
Fuck. Does anyone actually believe this? Anyone? Anyone actually believe that Prescott cannot influence this? Even though he's not directly involved? Anyone actually believe that anything worth £11,000 isn't actually a bribe (however it's given and i am not even mentioning the stay at his "mates" ranch)? Anyone think that a member of Her Majestys Government should be accepting any personal gifts over a couple of hundred pounds from anyone who has a vested interest in doing business with us?
After all of that, does anyone think that it's appropriate to give the minister involved nothing more than a slap on the wrist rather sacking him from parliament as untrustworthy if not commencing criminal proceedings?
The man is golden. How does he manage it? Punches a member of the public, shags his secretary, accepts what amounts to a bribe no matter how he perceives it and is still right in the saddle. We should send him to Iraq as he's bloody bullet proof.
I am most vexed.
All that has taken it's toll. Eyeballs bulged. Veins throbbed in my forehead. Foam gouted out of my mouth as I daubed myself with woad and stood on my desk screaming with rage.
Better out than in!
Anyway, yet another beautiful day. I have my eye drops so hayfever can lick my bag. I am off swimming in a bit. Then a spot of lunch. Party to go to Friday which sounds promising on the fun front. Then a lazy weekend. I may even get some decorating done (I have accepted that it's not going to do itself so i am going to try to do it a bit at a time and hope it's not too painful).
Out with the rage, in with the happiness!